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Production Monitoring System


PMS: Automates the tracking of TEEP and OEE

Reason to Subscribe

Real-time Monitoring Dashboard

TEEP and OEE Analysis

Real-time Monitoring

Auto Capture Downtime


Monitoring Dahboard

Real-time Data Visualization

The real-time monitoring dashboard offers visualizations of crucial data. Providing an overview of all production lines on a single view. This makes it easy to interpret performance metrics, identify issues, and make informed decisions quickly.

Track actual counts with trend graphs for easy analysis.

Analyze trends

Instant updates on production count and metrics.

Clear, comfortable viewing

TEEP and OEE Analysis

Measure Manufacturing Productivity

TEEP Insights

Measures the percentage of All Time that is truly productive

TEEP (Total Effective Equipment Performance) is a performance metric that provides insights as to the true capacity of your manufacturing operation. It takes account both Equipment Losses (as measured by OEE) and Schedule Losses (as measured by Utilization).

OEE Insights

Measures the percentage of Planned Production Time that is truly productive

Unleash your business with OEE analysis to maximize efficiency and drive growth. Enjoy a streamlined interface with detailed insights into each production line, presenting key metrics to evaluate and improve performance.

Smart TEEP/OEE status

Highlight status with suitable colour based on current OEE percentage.

TEEP/OEE factors

Understand the 3 underlying factors of OEE—availability, performance, and quality—along with the additional factor of utilization for TEEP

Quick review

Quickly review each type of loss and its relationship to the TEEP/OEE factors

Instant Downtime Tracking

Boost Efficiency


Auto Capture

The upgraded downtime feature automatically captures downtime, helping users reduce manual tracking efforts. Also have the option to add downtime manually when needed.


Manual key-in

This feature allows users to manually input downtime data into the system. It’s useful when specific details need to be added that aren’t detected by automated system.

Focuse Insights

Single Line Focus



The single-line monitoring provides one specific production line. It displays actual count, efficiency, shift details, and date information, along with a graph of actual counts. This focused approach allows for precise tracking and analysis of performance.

Better Together


Display list of parameters name and value based on specific line and asset in a single block. You can filter real-time data based on different assets and parameters. 


Logs displays all recorded data in a table format. Users can view, edit, or delete data as needed. You can filter based on date, asset, and parameter. This flexibility ensures that users can easily manage historical data for better analysis.


Displays all recorded data along with graphical representations for easy analysis. The graph provides visual insights into the log data, making it easier to identify trends and patterns for more informed decision-making.

Production Line Support

Boost your manufacturing efficiency with our easy-to-use Production Line Support. Helps you update, monitor and analyze each production line in real-time.

Choose the perfect plan
for your business needs

Choose a plan or customize one to fit your needs.

Basic Plan

Premium Plan


Control Panel

RM 3000

RM 3000

Proximity Sensor

RM 100 /pcs

RM 100 /pcs


User IDs

1 user ID
(login 2 devices simultaneously)

5 user IDs
(login 3 devices simultaneously)

Annual subscription

RM 500 /line

RM 700 /line

Real-time status viewing

Analysis report

Good count

Reject count

Running status

Scheduled and unscheduled downtime

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