Automates real-time tracking of energy, water, and other utilities. Provides immediate data analysis to optimize usage, reduce costs, and improve
Energy Saving Measures
Overview of daily expenses related to energy usage, presenting various metrics and visualizations to help users understand and manage their energy costs effectively.
Top active assets
Energy cost for the top active energy meters.
Real-time cost
Real-time total energy cost for the current day.
Real-time Graph
Current day’s cost, track cost fluctuations throughout the day.
Dashboard: Daily and Monthly Energy Usage
Overview of the current month’s energy consumption and insights into energy usage trends over the past six months.
Current usage
Displays the total energy consumption for the current month in kWh.
Usage composition
Visualizes the percentage contribution of each energy meter to the total energy consumption.
Last 6 months usage
Bar chart showing energy usage trends over the past six months, segmented by different energy meters.
Costs Configuration
Central for managing cost data related to organization’s operations
Create/Edit cost data
Set peak and off-peak rate data for selected parameter, ensuring precise and customizable cost management.
Create new cost data
Input specific criteria such as line, asset, parameters, and corresponding rate data to capture and categorize costs.
Export to Ms Excel
Generate Excel
. Select between two report types—collective or individual—and specify line, assets, cost calculation requirements, and reporting period (daily or monthly).